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Title: Chloroplast microsatellite markers for the Neotropical orchid genus Epidendrum, and cross-amplification in other Laeliinae species (Orchidaceae)
Author: Pinheiro, Fábio; Palma-silva, Clarisse; Barros, Fábio; Félix, Leonardo P.; Lexer, Christian; Cozzolino, Salvatore; Fay Mf
Year: 2009
Is part of: Conservation Genetics Resources (Online), v. 1, p. 505 - 511

Citation: Pinheiro, Fábio; Palma-silva, Clarisse; Barros, Fábio; Félix, Leonardo P.; Lexer, Christian; Cozzolino, Salvatore; Fay Mf; Chloroplast microsatellite markers for the Neotropical orchid genus Epidendrum, and cross-amplification in other Laeliinae species (Orchidaceae). Conservation Genetics Resources (Online), v.1, p. 505-511, 2009

Abstract: One of the most significant challenges confronting orchid researchers is the lack of specific molecular markers, mainly for species in the Neotropics. Here we report the first set of specific chloroplast microsatellite primers (cpSSR) developed for Neotropical orchids. In total, nine polymorphic cpSSR loci were isolated and characterized in four species occurring in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest: Epidendrum cinnabarinum, E. denticulatum, E. fulgens and E. puniceoluteum. Levels of intraspecific polymorphism were characterized using two populations for each species, with 13-20 individuals each. Allele numbers varied from two to three per locus, while the number of haplotypes ranged from three to six per species. Extensive differentiation among the taxa was detected. All markers were successfully cross-amplified in eight other different genera. These cpSSRs markers will enable novel insights into the evolution of this important Neotropical genus.

Funding: We thank Felipe N. M. de Assis for help during field work, Robyn S. Cowan, Dion Devey and Edith Kapinos for helping in the laboratory. This research was funded by grants from the Prance Fellowship in Neotropical Botany under the Kew Latin American Research Fellowship Programme (KLARF) to FP, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq-471929/2006-9) and Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP-06/54189-3) to FB. FP received fellowship from CNPq.
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