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Title: Erythrina speciosa (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) under soil water saturation: morphophysiological and growth responses
Author: Medina, C. L.; Sanches, M. C.; Tucci, M. L. S.; Sousa, C. A. F.; Cuzzuol, G. R. F.; Joly, C. A.
Year: 2009
Is part of: Annals of Botany (Print), v. 104, p. 671 - 680

Citation: Medina, C. L.; Sanches, M. C.; Tucci, M. L. S.; Sousa, C. A. F.; Cuzzuol, G. R. F.; Joly, C. A.; Erythrina speciosa (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) under soil water saturation: morphophysiological and growth responses. Annals of Botany (Print), v.104, p. 671-680, 2009

Abstract: Erythrina speciosa is a Neotropical tree that grows mainly in moist habitats. To characterize the physiological, morphological and growth responses to soil water saturation, young plants of E. speciosa were subjected experimentally to soil flooding.

Keywords: Anoxia/Hipoxia; Ecofisiologia de Especies Tropicais; Estrategias Adaptativas; Etanol; Tolerancia A Saturacao Hidrica do Solo;

Funding: We thank Dr. Sandra M. C. Guerreiro from the Department of Plant Biology/State University of Campinas (Unicamp) for the laboratory facilities in the morphological studies, Miss Janete Mayumi Okamoto for technical assistance during all the experiments and Dr Valdenir Queiroz Ribeiro from the Embrapa Meio-Norte for the statistical analyses. We are also grateful to Professor Dr Tim Colmer and anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on the manuscript. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP (grant 03/12595-7). Carlos A. Joly was supported by a CNPq Productivity Fellowship (grant 520334/99-0).
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