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Title: Limitations to sustainable frankincense production: blocked regeneration, high adult mortality and declining populations
Author: Chambers-ostler, Alexander; Gloor, Emanuel; Galbraith, David; Groenendijk, Peter; Brienen, Roel
Year: 2023
Is part of: TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, v. 37, p. 269 - 284

Citation: Chambers-ostler, Alexander; Gloor, Emanuel; Galbraith, David; Groenendijk, Peter; Brienen, Roel; Limitations to sustainable frankincense production: blocked regeneration, high adult mortality and declining populations. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, v.37, p. 269-284, 2023

Abstract: 1. Resins are highly valued non-timber forest products (NTFP). One of the most widely traded resins is frankincense, tapped from several Boswellia tree species (Burseraceae). Exploited Boswellia populations often show poor regeneration, but the demographic consequences of these bottlenecks are unknown. Here we report on the first large-scale demographic study of frankincense-producing trees.

Funding: We would like to thank the people of Lemlem Terara and Adi Arkay for the support and permission to carry out this experiment. This research is part of the Dutch-Ethiopian FRAME program 'FRAnkincense, Myrrh and arabic gum: sustainable use of dry woodland resources in Ethiopia', funded by NWO (WOTRO; W01.65.220.00) and executed in collaboration by Dutch and Ethiopian Universities and research institutes. PG acknowledges support of the Alberta Mennega Stichting and Miquelfonds. PAZ was supported by ERC grant 242955. We thank two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments.
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