Reply to biodiversity data are out of local taxonomists' reach
Joly, C. A.
Política Externa (USP), 2012, v. 20, p. 49 - 52

Diagnóstico da pesquisa em biodiversidade no Brasil
Alves, Luciana F.; Assis, Marco A.; Melis, Juliano; Barros, Ana L. S.; Vieira, Simone A.; Martins, Fernando R.; Martinelli, Luiz A.; Joly, Carlos A.
Ecological Research, 2012, v. 27, p. 323 - 332

Soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide in a gradient of elevation in the coastal Brazilian Atlantic forest
Alves, Luciana Ferreira; Assis, M.A.; Melis, Juliano Van; Barros, A. L.; Vieira, S.A.; Martins, F. R.; Martinelli, L.A.; Joly, C. A.
Ecological Research, 2012, v. 27, p. 323 - 332

A soyabean diet does not modify the activity of brown adipose tissue but alters the rate of lipolysis in the retroperitoneal white adipose tissue of male rats recovering from early-life malnutrition
Paiva, Adriene Alexandra; Raposo, Helena F; Carneiro, Everardo M.; Latorraca, Márcia Queiroz; Gomes-da-silva, Maria Helena Gaíva; Martins, Maria Salete Ferreira; Faiad, Jaline Zandonato; Taki, Marina Satie; De Lima Reis, Silvia Regina; De Souza, Letícia Martins Ignácio; Dos Santos, Maísa Pavani; Chaves, Valéria Ernestânia; Kawashita, Nair Honda; De Oliveira, Helena Coutinho Franco
BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 2012, v. 108, p. 1042 - 1051

Enhanced insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in rats exhibiting low plasma free fatty acid levels and hypertriglyceridaemia due to congenital albumin deficiency
Figueira, Tiago R; Ribeiro, Rosane A.; Ignacio-souza, Letícia M.; Vercesi, A E; Carneiro, Everardo M.; Oliveira, H. C. F.
EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 2012, v. 94, p. 525 - 533

The I405V and Taq1B polymorphisms of the CETP gene differentially affect sub-clinical carotid atherosclerosis
Parra, Eliane; De Souza Zago, Vanessa; Nakandakare, Edna; Quintão, Eder Carlos; De Faria, Eliana; Panzoldo, Natália; Kaplan, Denise; De Oliveira, Helena Coutinho; Dos Santos, José; De Carvalho, Luiz Sérgio; Sposito, Andrei; Gidlund, Magnus; Nakamura, Ruy
Lipids in Health and Disease, 2012, v. 11, p. 130 -

The Role of Dyslipidemia on Ocular Surface, Lacrimal and Meibomian Gland Structure and Function
Módulo, Carolina Maria; Rocha, Eduardo Melani; Filho, Elísio Bueno Machado; Malki, Leonardo Tannus; Dias, Ana Carolina; De Souza, Jane Cristina; Oliveira, Helena C. F.; Jorge, ítalo Cade; Santos Gomes, Isabele Beserra; Meyrelles, Silvana S.
Current Eye Research, 2012, v. 37, p. 300 - 308

First Record of Scirtidae (Coleoptera) Associated With Decaying Carcasses in the Neotropical Region
Thyssen, Patricia Jacqueline; Costella, Marcelo Lopes; Costella, Aline Mie Uratani; Nassu, Mariana Prado
Parasitology Research (1987. Internet), 2012, v. 111, p. 1 - 959

Contributing to the advancement of the state-of-the-art in biodiversity research: the role of FAPESP in the last 60 years
Pavarini, Daniel P.; Bolzani, Vanderlan S.; Lopes, Norberto P.; Joly, Carlos A.; Da Silva, Denise B.; Carollo, Carlos A.; Portella, Amanda P. F.; Latansio-aidar, Sabrina R.; Cavalin, Pedro O.; Oliveira, Viviane C.; Rosado, Bruno H. P.; Aidar, Marcos P. M.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Print), 2012, v. 47, p. 1482 - 1485

Clinical isolates of New World Leishmania from cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis patients are uniformly sensitive to tamoxifen
Miguel, D. C.; Zauli-nascimento, Rogéria C.; Yokoyama-yasunaka, Jenicer K.U.; Pereira, Ledice I.A.; Jerônimo, Selma M.B.; Ribeiro-dias, Fátima; Dorta, Miriam L.; Uliana, Silvia R.B.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (Print), 2011, v. 2011, p. 1 - 2

In Vitro and In Vivo Antiplasmodial Activities of Risedronate and Its Interference with Protein Prenylation in Plasmodium falciparum
Jordao, F. M.; Saito, A. Y.; Miguel, D. C.; De Jesus Peres, V.; Kimura, E. A.; Katzin, A. M.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (Print), 2011, v. 55, p. 2026 - 2031

Sympatric bromeliad species (Pitcairnia spp.) facilitate tests of mechanisms involved in species cohesion and reproductive isolation in Neotropical inselbergs
Palma-silva, C.; Wendt, T.; Pinheiro, F.; Barbará, T.; Fay, Michael F.; Cozzolino, S.; Lexer, C.
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 2011, v. 20, p. 3185 - 3201

Coordinated feeding tactics of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae), in Ilha Grande Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nery, M. F.; Tardin, R.H.O.; Especie, M. A.; D'azeredo, F. T.; Simão, S.M.
Zoologia (Curitiba. Impresso), 2011, v. 28, p. 291 - 296

Gene Expression Profiling and Molecular Characterization of Antimony Resistance in Leishmania amazonensis
Do Monte-neto, Rubens L.; Coelho, A. C.; Raymond, F.; Legare, D.; Corbeil, Jacques; Melo, Maria N.; Frezard, F.; Ouellette, M.
Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2011, v. 5, p. e1167 -

Propriedades mecânicas e estrutura celular de melão desidratado osmoticamente em soluções de sacarose ou maltose com adição de lactato de cálcio
Ferrari, C.C.; Yassui, P.Y.; Carmello-guerreiro, S.M.; Hubinger, M.D.
Ciência e Agrotecnologia (UFLA), 2011, v. 35, p. 765 - 773

Optical tweezers for studying taxis in parasites
De Thomaz, A A; Gomes, S A O; Giorgio, S.; Feder, D; Cesar, C L; Fontes, A; Stahl, C V; Pozzo, L Y; Ayres, D C; Almeida, D B; Farias, P M A; Santos, B S; Santos-mallet, J
Journal of Optics, 2011, v. 13, p. 044015 -

Sir2-Related Protein 1 from Leishmania amazonensis is a glycosylated NAD+-dependent deacetylase
Fessel Mr; Lira Cb; Giorgio, S.; Ramos Ch; Cano, M. I. N.
Parasitology (London. Print), 2011, v. 138, p. 1245 - 1258

The influence of low oxygen on macrophage response to Leishmania infection
Ayres, D C; Fedele Ta; Marcucci, M. C.; Giorgio, S
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Impresso), 2011, v. 53, p. 329 - 334

Potential utility of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and propolis in enhancing the leishmanicidal activity of glucantime
Ayres, D C; Fedele Ta; Marcucci, M. C.; Giorgio, S
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Impresso), 2011, v. 53, p. 329 - 334

Use of in vivo and in vitro systems to select leishmania amazonensis expressing green fluorescent protein
Costa, S. S.; Golim Ma; B, R.; Costa, F.; Giorgio, S
Korean Journal of Parasitology (Print), 2011, v. 49, p. 357 - 364
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