Cargo: Professor Colaborador
Dep. Biologia Vegetal, IB, Unicamp, Campinas, SP
He is graduated in Biology by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1978) and obtained his Master (1983) and Doctor (1991) degrees in Ecology by the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. He is Professor of the Institute of Biology at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas since 1985. His research field is Plant Ecology, with emphasis on plant population and community ecology.
Plant Ecology Population Ecology Community Ecology
sposito, T. C.; santos, F.A.M.; Scaling of Stem and Crown in Eight Cecropia (Cecropiaceae) Species of Brazil. American Journal of Botany, v.88, p. 939-949, 2001 [ doi:10.2307/2657047 ]
sposito, T. C. s.; santos, F.A.M.; Architectural patterns of eight Cecropia (Cecropiaceae) species of Brazil. FLORA, v.196, p. 215-226, 2001 [ doi:10.1016/S0367-2530(17)30043-9 ]
Alves, L. F.; santos, F.A.M.; Tree allometry and crown shape of four tree species in Atlantic rain forest, south-east Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print), v.18, p. 245-260, 2002 [ doi:10.1017/S026646740200216X ]
Ramos, F. N.; santos, F.A.M.; Phenology of Psychotria tenuinervis (Rubiaceae) in Atlantic Forest fragments: regional and local scale. Canadian Journal of Botany, v.83, p. 1305-1316, 2005 [ doi:10.1139/b05-106 ]
Fonseca, Marisa Gesteira; Martini, Adriana Maria Zanforlin; dos santos, Flavio Antonio Maës; Spatial structure of in two semi-deciduous forests in Southeast Brazil. Journal of Vegetation Science, v.15, p. 41-48, 2004 [ doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2004.tb02235.x ]