Fabio Pinheiro

Personal photo

Cargo: Professor Doutor I

PhD, University of Sao Paulo

Dep. BIOLOGIA VEGETAL, IB, Unicamp, Campinas, SP



  • Biodiversity

Research lines

  • Plant ecology
  • Population dynamics and interspecific interactions

Personal presentation

The evolutionary mechanisms underligning the diversification of plant species within the Neotropical region is the main focus of our team. In order to depict details associated to speciation processess, multidisciplinary approaches are needed. Phylogeography, reproductive biology, plant ecology and population genetics are disciplines currently integrated by our group. The first steps have been done (see projects and publications!!!), but much more work is needed in order to understand the species richness in Neotropics. If you are interested in joining my research group, please contact me.

Research activities

My research is focused to understand the evolution of reproductive barriers among lineages and populations, which is a key step in speciation. A diverse array of mechanisms, such as hybridization, introgression and selection for divergent habitats are investigated in order to understand plant speciation within Neotropical region. Our lab members use different but complementary approaches to understand the first steps of speciation. Students from different research fields are welcome.

Teaching activities

Plant Ecology and Evolution

Selected Publications

pinheiro, Fábio; De Barros, Fábio; Palma-silva, Clarisse; Meyer, Diogo; Fay, Michael F.; Suzuki, Rogério M.; Lexer, Christian; Cozzolino, Salvatore; Hybridization and introgression across different ploidy levels in the Neotropical orchids Epidendrum fulgens and E. puniceoluteum (Orchidaceae). MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, v.19, p. 3981-3994, 2010 [ doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04780.x ]

pinheiro, F.; Cozzolino, S.; Barros, F.; Gouveia, T. M. Z. M. E.; Suzuki, R. M.; Fay, Michael F.; Palma-silva, C.; PHYLOGEOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND OUTBREEDING DEPRESSION REVEAL EARLY STAGES OF REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION IN THE NEOTROPICAL ORCHID. EVOLUTION, v.67, p. 2024-2039, 2013 [ doi:10.1111/evo.12085 ]

pinheiro, Fábio; Dantas-queiroz, Marcos Vinicius; Palma-silva, Clarisse; Plant Species Complexes as Models to Understand Speciation and Evolution: A Review of South American Studies. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES, v.37, p. 54-80, 2018 [ doi:10.1080/07352689.2018.1471565 ]

Sujii, Patrícia Sanae; Cozzolino, Salvatore; pinheiro, Fábio; Hybridization and geographic distribution shapes the spatial genetic structure of two co-occurring orchid species. HEREDITY, v.123, p. 458-469, 2019 [ doi:10.1038/s41437-019-0254-7 ]