Sílvio Roberto Consonni

Personal photo

Cargo: Professor Associado I

PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas




  • Biomedical
  • Biology Teaching

Research lines

  • The biology of reproduction
  • Teaching

Personal presentation

Has experience in Morphology, focusing on Histology

Research activities

The main purpose of our lab is to recognize the effects of multiparity and ageing in cells and extracellular matrix during postpartum recovery at birth canal (pubic symphysis, uterine cervix and vagina) in mice. We pay particular interest to understand how birth and ageing have a significant effect in tissue homeostasis, which could help us to understand the pathophysiology of pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and preterm. We focus on the connective tissue - an important site of cellular, molecular and hormonal signaling - and ask how this tissue responds (or not) to changes during and after first and multiple pregnancies. Using morphological, biochemical and molecular assays, we identified that recovery processes are regulated by cells and molecules in the birth canal and multiparity and ageing led them to not recover in the reproductive matrix mice.

Selected Publications

consonni, S. R.; Werneck, C. C.; Sobreira, D. R.; Kuhne, F.; Moraes, S. G.; Alvares, L. E.; Joazeiro, P. P.; Elastic Fiber Assembly in the Adult Mouse Pubic Symphysis During Pregnancy and Postpartum. Biology of Reproduction, v.86, p. 151-151, 2012 [ doi:10.1095/biolreprod.111.095653 ]

Castelucci, Bianca Gazieri; consonni, Sílvio Roberto; Rosa, Viviane Souza; Sensiate, Lucimara Aparecida; Delatti, Paula Cristina Rugno; Alvares, Lúcia Elvira; Joazeiro, Paulo Pinto; Time-dependent regulation of morphological changes and cartilage differentiation markers in the mouse pubic symphysis during pregnancy and postpartum recovery. PLoS One, v.13, p. e0195304-, 2018 [ doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0195304 ]

Castelucci, B. G.; Pereira, A. H. M.; Fioramonte, M.; Carazzolle, M. F.; De Oliveira, P. S. L.; Franchini, K. G.; Kobarg, J.; Martins-de-souza, D.; Joazeiro, P. P.; consonni, S. R.; Evidence of macrophage modulation in the mouse pubic symphysis remodeling during the end of first pregnancy and postpartum. Scientific Reports, v.10, p. 1-, 2020 [ doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68676-x ]

Castelucci, Bianca G; consonni, Silvio R; Rosa, Viviane S; Joazeiro, Paulo P; Recruitment of monocytes and mature macrophages in mouse pubic symphysis relaxation during pregnancy and postpartum recovery-. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION, v.101, p. 466-477, 2019 [ doi:10.1093/biolre/ioz107 ]

consonni, S.R.; Rosa, R. G.; Nascimento, M. A. C.; Vinagre, C. M.; Joazeiro, P.P.; Recovery of the pubic symphysis on primiparous young and multiparous senescent mice at postpartum. HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY, v.27, p. 885-896, 2012 [ doi:10.14670/HH-27.885 ]