Adriana Franco Paes Leme



Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de Oliveira

Anatomy; Cellular Biology


Aline Mara dos Santos

Cellular Biology

Extracellular matrix


Ana Carolina Migliorini Figueira

Area Drugs, Medicines and Supplies for Health; Biochemistry; Physiology

Bioenergetics, metabolism and signal transduction; Biomimetic systems, structural biology, molecular modeling and drug targets; Development, quality assessment and use of supplies and pharmaceuticals; Macromolecules Chemistry


Ana Paula Couto Davel



André Ricardo de Lima Damasio


Genome, proteome and bioinformatics; Macromolecules Chemistry


Andre Schwambach Vieira


Neurobiology and behavior


Antonio Carlos Boscheiro



Benedicto de Campos Vidal

Cellular Biology

Extracellular matrix


Bruno Rodrigues



Carla Beatriz Collares Buzato

Tissue Biology

Cell differentiation


Carlos Amilcar Parada



Carlos Henrique Grossi Sponton

Biochemistry; Cellular Biology; Physiology; Tissue Biology

Bioenergetics and metabolism


Carlos Henrique Inacio Ramos


Macromolecules Chemistry


Carmen Veríssima Ferreira


Bioenergetics, metabolism and signal transduction


Cesar Renato Sartori



Claúdia Herrera Tambeli



Claudio Chrysostomo Werneck



Cristina Pontes Vicente

Cellular Biology

Cell differentiation; Extracellular matrix; Teaching


Daniel Martins de Souza


Macromolecules Chemistry; Neurobiology and behavior


Danilo Ciccone Miguel

Anthropic Relations, Environment and Parasitology; Cellular Biology

Organization and functioning of organisms; Parasites and environmental health


Denise Vaz de Macedo

Biochemistry; Physiology

Bioenergetics, metabolism and signal transduction; Teaching


Eduardo Galembeck

Biochemistry; Biology Education


Elaine Minatel



Elizabeth Bilsland

Cellular Biology; Genetics of Microorganism; Microbiology


Eneida de Paula

Area Drugs, Medicines and Supplies for Health

Macromolecules Chemistry


Everardo Magalhães Carneiro


Bioenergetics, metabolism and signal transduction


Fabio Marcio Squina

Area Drugs, Medicines and Supplies for Health; Biochemistry


Fabio Montico


The biology of reproduction


Fernanda Ramos Gadelha


Bioenergetics, metabolism and signal transduction


Gonçalo Amarante Guimarães Pereira

Plant Genetics and Breeding


Helena Coutinho Franco de Oliveira

Biochemistry; Physiology

Bioenergetics, metabolism and signal transduction


Helena Cristina de Lima Barbosa


Signal transduction and pathophysiological mechanisms; Teaching


Henrique Marques de Souza

Bioinformatics; Cellular Biology; Microbiology; Plant Genetics and Breeding; Tissue Biology

Bioinformatics; Microbiology; Plant Genetics and Breeding


Hernandes F Carvalho

Cellular Biology

Cell differentiation; Extracellular matrix; Teaching


José Angelo Camilli

Anatomy; Tissue Biology


Lais Rosa Viana

Cellular Biology; Physiology

Bioenergetics and metabolism


Leonardo Reis Silveira

Biochemistry; Physiology


Leonardo Talachia Rosa

Genetics of Microorganisms; Microbiology; Structure and function of macromolecules


Lucia Elvira Alvares

Cellular Biology

Cell differentiation


Luciana Bolsoni Lourenço

Animal Biodiversity; Cellular Biology

Chromatin, chromosomes and nucleolus; Systematics and biogeography


Luis Antonio Violin Dias Pereira

Tissue Biology



Marcelo Alves da Silva Mori

Animal Genetics and Evolution

Animal Genetics and Evolution


Marcelo Bispo de Jesus

Area Drugs, Medicines and Supplies for Health; Biochemistry; Cellular Biology

Obtention and evaluation of biological molecules and products of pharmaceutical interest


Marcos José Salvador

Area Drugs, Medicines and Supplies for Health; Cellular Biology; Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Plant Physiology

Molecular biology, biochemistry and plant physiology; Obtention and evaluation of biological molecules and products of pharmaceutical interest


Maria Andréia Delbin



Maria Cristina Cintra Gomes Marcondes

Cellular Biology; Physiology


Maria Luiza Silveira Mello

Cellular Biology

Chromatin, chromosomes and nucleolus


Mario Roberto Marostica Junior



Mário Tyago Murakami

Biochemistry; Genetics of Microorganism

Genome, proteome and bioinformatics; Macromolecules Chemistry; Microbiology


Murilo de Carvalho

Anatomy; Cellular Biology; Tissue Biology

Cell differentiation; Teaching; The biology of reproduction


Murilo Vieira Geraldo

Cellular Biology

Cell differentiation; The biology of reproduction


Paulo Guimarães Gandra

Cellular Biology


Pedro Otavio de Campos Lima

Cellular Biology; Physiology

Signal transduction and pathophysiological mechanisms


Rejane Maira Góes

Cellular Biology


Sebastião Roberto Taboga

Cellular Biology


Sílvio Roberto Consonni

Tissue Biology

Teaching; The biology of reproduction


Tatiana Carla Tomiosso

Cellular Biology


Valéria Helena Alves Cagnon Quitete


The biology of reproduction


Wagner José Fávaro

Anatomy; Cellular Biology; Tissue Biology

Cell differentiation; Extracellular matrix