Cargo: Professor Doutor II
PhD, University of Canpinas
Received his B.Sc degree in the Biological Sciences from the University of Campinas (Brazil). Dr. Papes got his Ph.D degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the same university. He did his post-doctoral studies under Dr. Catherine Dulac (Harvard University) and Dr. Lisa Stowers (Scripps Research Institute). He focuses on the molecular biology of the olfactory sensory system in mammals and on neurological genetic diseases in humans.
Prof. Dr. Fabio Papes\\\\\\\' laboratory has two main lines of investigation: (a) Molecular Studies of the Olfactory System: In this project, the laboratory intends to understand the molecular bases of the most primitive sensory system found in animals, the Olfactory System, using mice as model animals and Molecular Biology tools. Through genetic manipulation experiments (animal transgenics, optogenetics, chemogenetics and neuronal tracing), the laboratory seeks to understand how odors are detected by the two olfactory sensory organs (main olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ), how olfactory information is transferred to the olfactory regions in the brain, and how behavioral responses are generated toward chemical stimuli. In particular, the group studies maternal and paternal behavior, in addition to defensive and sexual behavior. The team has published numerous scientific articles in high-impact journals and has several research collaborations with institutions in Brazil and abroad. (b) Neurobiological studies of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders: Prof. Fabio Papes studies autistic spectrum disorders, seeking to understand their underlying pathophysiology, genetic bases and molecular mechanisms, with the goal of developing pharmacological and genetic therapeutic strategies. Through the use of in vitro cellular models, particularly those derived from patients, the group employs Molecular Biology tools to study autism and its cellular processes. Prof. Fabio Papes is one of the PIs at the Laboratory of Genomics and Bioenergy (LGE) and at the Center for Medicinal Chemistry (CQMED) at UNICAMP.
Prof. Fabio Papes teaches Undergraduate courses in the areas of Molecular Genetics and Population Genetics, and Postgraduate courses in the area of Mammalian Molecular Biology.
Prof. Fabio Papes had projects in cooperation with private companies and currently participates in several research projects at the Center for Medicinal Chemistry (CQMED) in partnership with pharmaceutical companies. In addition, Prof. Fabio Papes performs genetics and molecular analyses on demand from the scientific community in the academic and private sectors. Prof. Fabio also serves as a member of a journal\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s editorial board (Frontiers in Oncology), in addition to being a reviewer for numerous scientific journals and funding agencies.
papes, Fabio; Loconto, Jennifer; Chang, Ernie; Stowers, Lisa; Jones, Elsy P; Takada, Toyoyuki; Lindahl, Kirsten Fischer; Dulac, Catherine; Functional Expression of Murine V2R Pheromone Receptors Involves Selective Association with the M10 and M1 Families of MHC Class Ib Molecules. Cell (Cambridge), v.112, p. 607-618, 2003 [ doi:10.1016/s0092-8674(03)00153-3 ]
papes, Fabio; Logan, Darren W.; Stowers, Lisa; The Vomeronasal Organ Mediates Interspecies Defensive Behaviors through Detection of Protein Pheromone Homologs. Cell (Cambridge), v.141, p. 692-703, 2010 [ doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.03.037 ]
Carvalho, Vinicius M. A.; Nakahara, Thiago S.; Cardozo, Leonardo M.; Souza, Mateus A. A.; Camargo, Antonio P.; Trintinalia, Guilherme Z.; Ferraz, Eliana; papes, Fabio; Lack of spatial segregation in the representation of pheromones and kairomones in the mouse medial amygdala. Frontiers in Neuroscience, v.9, p. 283-, 2015 [ doi:10.3389/fnins.2015.00283 ]
papes, Fabio; Camargo, Antonio P.; De Souza, Janaina S.; Carvalho, Vinicius M. A.; Szeto, Ryan A.; Lamontagne, Erin; Teixeira, José R.; Avansini, Simoni H.; Sánchez-sánchez, Sandra M.; Nakahara, Thiago S.; Santo, Carolina N.; Wu, Wei; Yao, Hang; Araújo, Barbara M. P.; Velho, Paulo E. N. F.; Haddad, Gabriel G.; Muotri, Alysson R.; Transcription Factor 4 loss-of-function is associated with deficits in progenitor proliferation and cortical neuron content. Nature Communications, v.13, p. 1-, 2022 [ doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29942-w ]
Nakahara, T. S.; Cardozo, L. M.; Ibarra-soria, X.; Bard, A.; Carvalho, V. M. A.; Trintinalia, G. Z.; Logan, D. W.; papes, Fabio; Detection of pup odors by non-canonical adult vomeronasal neurons expressing an odorant receptor gene is influenced by sex and parenting status. BMC BIOLOGY, v.14, p. 12-, 2016 [ doi:10.1186/s12915-016-0234-9 ]