Cargo: Professor Doutor I
Dep. BIOLOGIA ANIMAL, IB, Unicamp, Campinas, SP
graduate at Ecologia from Imperial College London (1999), master's at Entomologia aplicada from Imperial College London (2000) and ph.d. at Ph.D. in plant-insect interactions from University of Reading (2006). Has experience in Ecology, acting on the following subjects: semioquimicos, ecologia quimica, parasitoide, interaçoes tritroficas and pentatomidae.
My research focusses on how plant traits affect the interactions between plants and insects. I am particularly interested in how plant traits change after interactions with herbivores and how these changes can influence the structure of natural and agricultural communities.
pareja, M.; Mohib, A.; Birkett, M. A.; Dufour, S.; Glinwood, R.; Multivariate statistics coupled to generalised linear models reveal complex use of chemical cues by a parasitoid. Animal Behaviour, v.77, p. 901-909, 2009 [ doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.12.016 ]
pareja, M.; Qvarfordt, Erika; Webster, Ben; Mayon, Patrick; Pickett, John; Birkett, Michael; Glinwood, Robert; Herbivory by a Phloem-Feeding Insect Inhibits Floral Volatile Production. Plos One, v.7, p. e31971-, 2012 [ doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031971 ]
Cosmo, Leandro G.; Yamaguchi, Lydia F.; Felix, Gabriel M.F.; Kato, Massuo J.; Cogni, Rodrigo; pareja, Martín; From the leaf to the community: distinct dimensions of phytochemical diversity shape insect¿plant interactions within and among individual plants. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v.109, p. 2475-2487, 2021 [ doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13659 ]
pareja, Martín; Ecological trade-offs in development and defence in a specialist moth when feeding on four congeneric host plants. ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA, v.170, p. 195-206, 2022 [ doi:10.1111/eea.13132 ]
pareja, Martín; Rezende, Luiz; Direct and indirect plant defenses reduce damage by a generalist but not by a specialist pod borer. BIOTROPICA, v.54, p. 1042-1051, 2022 [ doi:10.1111/btp.13128 ]